Friday, February 24, 2006


Over the last several days I've learned that at least one person actually reads this blog (and also hounds me if I don't post on it).

Oh, and I also learned (again) that the other developers I work with really don't care about becoming better at what they do. They make fun of me for trying to come up with intelligent, orthogonal designs, and yet are perfectly content to use case statements where an intelligent class hierarchy would make much more sense.

Me: "Dude, use an abstract class, it'll be cleaner and more scalable"
Them: "LOL whatever Mr. Object Orientated Weirdo! A huge, ugly if/else if/else block will be way faster to write!"
Me: "I'm going to kill you..."
Them: "LOL go write an 'interface' or something..."
Me: *Sigh*

You know, shit like that.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Today I learned that I should really sleep more. Really.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

A Software Philosophy

Today I learned how good it feels knowing that the way I designed an application made it extraordinarily easy to make a fairly intricate change.

Design for the future, it'll be here before you know it.

Monday, February 13, 2006


Today I learned that switching to a new keyboard (with a very different key layout) is extremely frustrating for somebody who types all freakin' day long.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Regarding Documentary Films

Today I learned that the host of a documentary can get a little too excited when pouring over the (potentially interesting) subject matter, despite the infuriatingly minute detail with which he describes it .

Friday, February 10, 2006


Today I learned that Victory Hopdevil is a freakin' delicious beer.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Even if you're a computer geek...

I can wile away many hours in front of a computer. Programming, chatting, downloading, farting around on the web, etc. - I know how to blow through 3-4 hours without batting an eye, and there are many like me.

But sometimes, it's time to do something else. Which is what I'm going to do right now. See you tomorrow.

My share in Fatherhood

Sweet Lid
Originally uploaded by inkedmn.
Today I learned that my son gets more beautiful every single day.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Searching Active Directory with .NET - (and FURST POHST)

When searching Active Directory using C#.NET, you don't build a filter by reassinging the DirectorySearcher.Filter attribute with different filter values. You have to rebuild the string each time you add a filter.
For instance, this won't work:

DirectorySearcher ds = new DirectorySearcher(ldapPath);
ds.Filter = "(objectClass=user)";
ds.Filter = "(objectCategory=person)";

You have to do something like this:

DirectorySearcher ds = new DirectorySearcher(ldapPath);
StringBuilder filters = new StringBuilder("(");
ds.Filter = filters;

See you tomorrow.